Racial Healing Circle Training for IofC Alumni

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Calling all alumni of IofC's Community Trustbuilding Fellowship & Caux Scholars Program!

Fellows and scholars, this one's for you.

Dr. Ram Bhagat and Rob Corcoran will offer an experiential training for IofC alumni from the Community Trustbuilding Fellowship & Caux Scholars Program in the use of Healing Circles as an additional methodology in their toolkit as social change agents. The process focuses on going deeper into the heart space by sharing our personal stories, listening to the sacred stories of others, enabling us to see our common humanity and to support one another in our journey.

Healing Circles have been used widely as the foundation for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s national grantee conferences since 2006 and serve as an important basis for one of IofC USA's grant programs: Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation. The structure is highly adaptable for different needs and different contexts. The training will run from 6 pm to 9 pm on Tuesday, March 19th in Richmond, VA. A light meal will be served at 5 pm. Venue will be announced closer to the date.

Please invite fellow IofC USA alumni from the Caux Scholars Program (CSP) and Community Trustbuilding Fellowship (CTF; formerly known as the Connecting Communities Fellowship Program-CCFP). Please note that space is limited to (14) participants, and there are tiered payment options.

Sign up on our Facebook event page here or our EventBrite page here.

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