Caux Scholars Call of Action: Donate to the 2019 Alumni Scholarship
Hello everyone!
My name is Trokon Redem McGee, from Liberia and a 2018 Fellow of the Caux Scholars Program in Switzerland. As a Caux Scholar who made changes in my community after this amazing training, I would like to share my story with you while I ask you to participate in supporting the next scholar, Fazal from Sri Lanka, to become the agent of change in his community, by benefiting from the Caux Scholars Program.
Please go to Initiatives of Change USA’s Donate page and press the Donate button at the top. You can also contact us at if you need a different payment method.
Each dollar raised is going towards the alumni scholarship.
As a Liberian who was raised in the middle of a conflict, my childhood was stolen as a direct result of the conflict. With my father semi-educated and mother illiterate, I had to step in to support my family. At the age of 10 years old, I became a breadwinner just to keep my family afloat.
Those experiences and others have been the catalyst that has helped me to be who I am today – a peacemaker, gender activist, and development practitioner. The sound of the guns are silent in Liberia, but the war is far from over as those vices such as unresolved ethnic and political differences, rampant corruption, and unemployment that led to 14 years of civil unrest still permeate in our government and society today.
Since my return from the Caux mountain, I have used various platforms available to me to spread the word of peace. I have incorporated some of the topics learned at Caux in my gender trainings at work, in community-based trainings and even during church services and seminars.
“ I envision a world where everyone’s human rights are ensured regardless of their sex or sexual orientation, race, religion or ethnicity. A world where women’s rights are championed, and women have access to equal opportunities at all levels in the society. A world where all have access to a decent standard of living and the opportunities and choices essential to a long, healthy and creative life; a world where everyone treats others with dignity and respect. ”
But to ensure this is achieved, I must work. There is a Japanese saying, "Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare." To continue to make this world a better place, I will continue to collaborate with like-minded people and organizations, as in union, strong success is sure. The Caux Scholars Program and Initiatives of Change USA will continue to be my northern star.
In conclusion, I leave you with this quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. which says, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
Sending you peace from beautiful Liberia,