The JXN Project Unveils "The Vanguard: A Virtual Experience"

The JXN Project will culminate its celebration of the 150th anniversary of Jackson Ward with "Unveiling The Vanguard: A Virtual Experience" as part of the Second Street Festival. Beginning on October 2, 2021, community members are invited to experience the unveiling as we introduce each of the honorary street designees via our social media platforms [@TheJXNProject] and|or engage in a self-guided and socially distanced tour of the honorary street signs either via personal vehicle, bicycle, or on foot. Community members are also invited to visit the Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site and|or Venture Richmond or the Historic Jackson Ward Association's tents at the festival to obtain a free commemorative poster of the vanguard.

For more information, please visit and follow @TheJXNProject.

Check out the video below to immerse yourself in the “Unveiling The Vanguard: A Virtual Experience”!


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