Learn all about CTF with these 2020 Info Sessions

We are excited to share more about the 2020 Community Trustbuilding Fellowship program with these upcoming information sessions in August and September.
In an increasingly polarized society, this unique program, offered in Richmond, Virginia, develops the capacity of community leaders to become authentic trustbuilders capable of overcoming divisions of race, culture, economics and politics. Convening fellows from across North America, the Community Trustbuilding Fellowship (CTF) seeks to build multisector networks of facilitators and change agents committed to healing historical wounds, creating new shared narratives and building healthy and racially equitable communities.
Come out to the sessions and learn all about the program, meet the Program Director, CTF faculty and alumni and hear about their experiences in the program firsthand. Priority scholarship applications close on September 1st while general program applications and scholarship applications are accepted until October 13th.
For more information about the Community Trustbuilding Fellowship, visit our website at us.iofc.org/ctf.
Wednesday, August 28th
3108 Semmes Ave, Richmond, VA 23225
Wednesday, September 4th
Chevy Chase Neighborhood Library
5625 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20015
Tuesday, September 10th
Office of Initiatives of Change USA
2201 West Broad Street, Suite 200, Richmond, VA 23220
Monday, September 23rd
8pm EST
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