Mark de Clive-Lowe: Live Remix Suite x Ria Boss

Ria + Mark LC Fest.png

On Friday May 22nd, Mark de Clive-Lowe (MdCL), Founding Artist in Residence of La Ceiba Festival, returns this month with a Live Remix Suite featuring works by Ria Boss. This takes place on IofC USA’s Livestream channel at 4pm PST/ 7pm EST/ 11pm GMT. Following this, the two visionary artists chat on @theriaboss’ IG Live at 4:30pm PST/ 7:30pm EST/ 11:30pm GMT. 

Also on Friday, we unveil a virtual installation on this website exploring Mark de Clive-Lowe’s discography over the last 25 years. The retrospective is told from Mark’s point-of-view and interrogates his cultural upbringing; identity, belonging and home; creative collaboration and international community-making; and his sharing of educational tools and resources with up-and-coming musicians.

Watch the Live Remix Suite below:


The World Premiere: Ria Boss Performs "The Living Room Sessions"


Trees of Life: A Playcast by Mikemetic for May's La Ceiba Festival