Exploring the Possibilities to Revitalize SouthSide - A Town Hall


This month, Initiatives of Change USA partners with Destiny Community Church to invite the residents of Southside to come together to learn about the incredible opportunity that exists for all communities South of the James to thrive and flourish.  Come and join us on Saturday, February 19, 2022, 11:00AM at Fountain of Deliverance, (limited seating available) 3800 E. Broad Rock Road; community leaders and residents will gather to share important information for charting the course moving forward to achieve transformation for neighborhoods in Southside that are yet to be properly prioritized.  There will also be an opportunity for virtual participation at this link:


As a result of once-in-a-lifetime flow of federal dollars into the marketplace from President Biden’s Infrastructure and Jobs Act, there is a collective energy that wants to ensure that all communities in Southside feel connected and not isolated from the revitalization. These funds can influence the infrastructure of our neighborhood roads and services, businesses, medical care, our children’s educational development, safety and the overall evolution of our residents’ view of life.


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