Here's what Alumni are saying about GAIN

We got in touch with alumni of our Caux Scholars Programs (CSP) to ask them what they wanted the Global Alumni Initiative (GAIN) to look like. We want it to be their space, an online community shaped by them for them. Alumni from Switzerland and Asia Plateau participated in our survey and we read through each and every response. They offered insights into four priority areas of interest: resilience, improving conflict practice, mindfulness skills for social impact, and project development. 

It’s clear that alumni miss the buzz that comes from broadening their horizons as part of the Caux Scholars Program. Three quarters of alumni want GAIN to provide online courses to keep that learning going – and they wanted that to be supported by spaces for education and dialogue. What’s great is how CSP alumni want to give back too, whether by providing time and ideas or giving training to peers.  

With the help of our brilliant alumni, GAIN will be a space for the sharing, inspiration and drive of CSP to spread beyond the programs into an online and off-line community of dedicated changemakers.  

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GAIN-CSP Restorative Justice Course


Jessie Sutherland (CSP Alumna 2002) Speaks in IofC International Webinar