Final CTF Summit


Since June of 2022, Initiatives of Change USA has been conducting a series of Community Trustbuilding Fellowship Alumni conversations to remember, reassess, and reimagine the Community Trustbuilding Fellowship program in order to address the needs of current and future trust building and racial justice work.

IofC USA hosted these CTF Summits for three 3 hours with the goals of:

  1. Reflecting on our mutual commitment, relationships, and the skills we learned through our Community Trust building fellowship program.

  1. Hearing from our alumni about how CTF has informed their current work and how we can best equip and support building trust and racial justice work in our city and networks.

  1. Explore what additional skills and support are desired from our alumni in their everyday work and in the future of the Community Trustbuilding fellowship (as we try to reimagine what the next iteration might entail)


Gathering around meals, so many Community Trustbuilding Fellowship Alumni have come and shared about their personal experiences and reflections. We invite our CTF Alumni to join us for our final conversation on February 23rd from 5-8pm at Studio Two Three . Where we will work on our final goal of exploring what additional support is desired from our alumni and in the future of the Community Trustbuilding fellowship

Instructions: Please register if you are attending in person, so that we can ensure that we order enough food for all that are coming. This event is hybrid so there will be a virtual and in-person option. As such we need to determined how many guest are coming in person to evaluate the amount of food that needs to be ordered.

Please also follow this link to complete a quick survey about your attendance:


FHCC + ART 180 Spring Break Session


Moving Forward with Giving Tuesday