FHCC + ART 180 Spring Break Session


Following the completion of our FHCC Fall Cohort in 2022, we are excited to announce that we are expanding the program by collaborating with Art 180 to host a Spring Break Edition of the Freedom and Healing Community Cohort. During the week transportation will be provided by the Richmond’s Parks and Recreation. Affectionately named the Urban Art Experience, the sessions will focus on the topics of Shifting, Healing, Artfullnes, and Sites of Consciousness. If you have any youth, who are in Richmond, and are interested. Click the button below to register.


The Freedom & Healing Community Cohort equips BIPOC youth across Richmond (metro area) to understand and address specific racial inequities in their communities. Utilizing a multi-disciplinary approach ranging from art, creative communication, restorative justice, sites of consciousness, advocacy, and mentorship. Youth will learn wholistic strategies in implementing racial equity solutions in their communities.

The Freedom & Healing Community Cohort is a partnership between Initiatives of Change (IOFC) USA, ART 180, Re-Invest in Supportive Environments (RISE) For Youth, Drums No Guns Foundation, and Alfonso Perez Acosta and is sponsored by the Allstate Foundation.




Final CTF Summit