CSP Faculty Advisors


CSP Academic Director


Dr. David Anderson Hooker

David Anderson Hooker is Professor of the Practice of Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs. His practice as a mediator, trainer, leadership development specialist, advocate, and community peacebuilder throughout Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, and the United States spans over 30 years. His practice and research foci investigate the social and narrative construction of complex identities; the role of multigenerational trauma in the formation of interpersonal and communal relations and systems and structures; and the various models and approaches to truth-telling as mechanisms for approaching justice, quality peace, and societal reconciliation. He is the co-author (with Amy Potter-Czjaikowski) of Transforming Historical Harms (Eastern Mennonite (2012), and author of The Little Book of Transformative Community Conferencing (SkyHorse 2016) and other book chapters and journal articles.